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发布时间:2022-02-11 09:29信息来源:美国约翰霍普金斯大学


Postdoctoral position in Cancer Computational Modeling at Johns Hopkins

Seeking an independent and motivated Postdoctoral Researcher in Dr. Popel’s laboratory in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Oncology, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

The successful candidate will join a team that combines computational, experimental and clinical researchers using computational systems biology and quantitative systems pharmacology (QSP) to discover mechanisms of immunotherapies and conduct virtual clinical trials. Strong interactions with pharmaceutical companies.

Specific skills include strong computational modeling from signaling pathways to tumor scales; knowledge of immunology and machine learning is a plus. Strong computer programming skills.

Applicant must have a doctoral degree in biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, applied mathematics, computer science or equivalent with a demonstrated record of innovative scientific accomplishments as evidenced by first-author papers published or accepted in premier journals.

Qualified candidates must be able to work independently, demonstrate outstanding communication skills, have a strong commitment to science, and work well within a group.





