Research Associate In Cloud Computing
University Of Westminster
The Research Centre for Parallel Computing (CPC) at the University of Westminster is looking for a Research Associate in Cloud Computing to carry out research within the EU funded H2020 CO-VERSATILE (Adaptive and resilient production and supply chain methods and solutions for urgent need of vital medical supplies and equipment), DIGITbrain (Digital twins bringing agility and innovation to manufacturing SMEs, by empowering a network of DIHs with an integrated digital platform that enables Manufacturing as a Service -https: // digitbrain.eu/), ASCLEPIOS (Advanced Secure Cloud Encrypted Platform for Internationally Orchestrated Solutions in Healthcare - https: // www. asclepios-project.eu/), and PITHIA-NRF (Plasmasphere Ionosphere Thermosphere Integrated Research Environment and Access services: a Network of Research Facilities) projects.
The researcher will carry out tasks in relation to the development of novel edge-fog-cloud orchestration solutions, specifically targeting and supporting application developers, and will support manufacturing companies, healthcare organisations and researchers in the development of cloud-based solutions. Many aspects of the work will be related to further developing the MiCADO (https: // micado-scale.eu/) application-level cloud orchestrator and extending it towards fog and edge platforms, big data analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence solutions, and science gateway frameworks (e.g. Jupiter Hub). Successful candidates will also be expected to contribute in writing project deliverables and research papers related to the projects.
Expected experience includes knowledge of and experience with cloud middleware and infrastructures, container technologies (such as Docker and Kubernetes), good programming skills (preferably Java and Python), and user-level knowledge of the Linux operating system. Experience in EU or national research projects and a track record of publications are an advantage.
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