Post-Doctoral Fellowship – Synthesis Of Polymers For Chemical Sensing - University Of Franche-Comté...
Universities And Institutes Of France
Research Field: Chemistry › Physical chemistry
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1) Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline: 05/03/2021 17:00 - Europe/Athens
Location: France › Besançon
Type Of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 35
Offer Starting Date: 15/03/2021
Position description:
A postdoctoral research position is available from January 2021 in the area of organic synthesis, polymer synthesis, electrochemistry and surface characterization within the Functional Materials and Surfaces (MSF team) of UTINAM Institute at the University of Franche-Comté.
Duration: 13 months Salary: approx. 2000€ per month Start-up period: March- April 2021
Education Requirement and Desirable Qualifications:
This position requires a Ph.D. in organic synthesis or polymer science. Good skills in organic synthesis or in electrochemistry are required. Additional skills in the fields of electrochromism or (bio)sensing would be appreciated. The candidate must also have expertise in standard analytical techniques for characterization of molecules and materials (NMR, Raman, IR). Experience in other techniques (SEM, AFM, GDOES) will be viewed positively as well.
This post-doctoral fellow is expected to carry out the above-mentioned project under the supervision of the local program leaders (Pr Boris Lakard and Pr Laurent Guyard). He/she will be responsible for performing designed experiments independently, reporting the experimental results and progresses periodically in the research meetings local consortium and produce peer reviewed manuscripts. Good scientific writing ability and oral communication skills are required.
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