Postdoctoral positions in particle physics phenomenology
Job description:
Applications are invited for one or two postdoctoral positions in the particle physics phenomenology group of Professor Yi Liao at the Institute of Quantum Matter, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.
The Institute was founded in 2018, and has been generously supported both nationally and by the Guangdong Province. The Institute has established research groups in high energy nuclear theory, hadron physics, high energy experiments, lattice field theory, and particle physics phenomenology (PPP). The current interest of the PPP group covers most of the topics related to neutrino physics and dark matter, emphasizing effective field theory approach to lepton number violation and dark matter.
The appointment is for two or three years, and is expected to start in fall 2022 or be negotiable on request. Successful postdocs will be paid on an internationally competitive level, and will also get support for traveling and attending workshops. Very successful postdocs will have an opportunity to apply for a faculty position by the end of the appointment. All postdocs are eligible and encouraged to apply for grants to the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Applicants should send a curriculum vitae (including birthday and PhD date), a list of publications, and a research plan, and arrange for at least two reference letters to be sent directly by the referees.
The review will start on December 30 2021, and will continue until the positions are filled.
· Yi Liao (;
· Ms. Wang (secretary) (
Institute of Quantum Matter,
South China Normal University
December 8, 2021

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