发布时间:2021-07-07 16:29信息来源:北京大学经济学院
院系/所/中心(School) | 北京大学经济学院 School of Economics, Peking University |
合作导师(Co-Mentor) | 贾若 Prof. Ruo (Alex) Jia |
研究专业/方向(Department/Area) | 风险管理与保险 Risk Management and Insurance |
年薪标准 (Annual Salary) | 基本年薪不低于12万/年(含税)RMB 120,000 per year or above (gross) |
职位描述 (Position Description) |
为后续从事教职或科研工作准备的高水平合作研究 High-quality co-authored publications to prepare for faculty career 研究经费支持Funding for research activities and conferences 国际交流支持International academic visits and conferences 职业发展支持Networking for academic career development |
候选人基本条件 (Basic Qualifications) |
国内外著名大学博士学位获得者,年龄35岁以下,毕业3年以内 Obtained the Ph.D. degree from reputable universities in China or abroad within the past three years, 35-year-old or younger 能够保证在站期间全职从事博士后研究工作; Full time work during the Post Doc service 进站研究计划需与合作导师的科研课题或者研究专长相关; The research plan is connected with the research projects or specialties of the supervisor |
候选人附加条件(Additional Qualifications) |
较好的计量经济学或微观经济学方法论基础 Proofed records on applying econometrics or microeconomics in research 较好的工作论文基础 Pipeline of working papers |
申请材料 (Applicant Documents) |
个人简历CV; 学术成果清单List of publications and working papers; 博士后期间拟研究计划书(约3500字)Post Doc research plan |
联系人 (Contact Information) |
姓名:贾若 Prof. Ruo Jia;办公电话:010 6275 8449;邮件地址:ruo.jia@pku.edu.cn(邮件主题标明为“姓名+应聘岗位+硕博英才网shuobojob.cn”),http://econ.pku.edu.cn/jsyyj/qzjs/fxglybxxx2/287445.htm |
备注(Remark) |
初选通过后,邮件通知候选人;申请材料恕不退回。 Email notice to the applicant only when the applicant passes the first-round screening. The application materials will not be returned. 请持上述申请材料直接与上表中所列相关联系人联系,并抄送邮件魏桥乔Please submit your application by email to Prof. Ruo Jia and cc Ms. Wei, Qiaoqiao. 咨询联系人:魏桥乔 010-62754359 weiqiaoqiao@pku.edu.cn |
截止时间(Due Date) | 无 |

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