(see below for the English-text)
武汉大学高等研究院Abhishek课题组,成立于2019年12月。课题组负责人为武汉大学高等研究院特聘研究员、博导Abhishek Dutta Chowdhury博士。课题组主要从事能源催化等领域的研究,旨在通过非均相催化与先进表征方法相结合,催化转化C1小分子,为最终解决气候变化提供科学方案(详情见:(i) https://www.enecat.com/, (ii)http://gdyjy.whu.edu.cn/info/1082/1709.htm)。课题组目前由武汉大学的人才启动资金、国家自然科学基金委员会和两个国际研究机构进行资助。
课题组目前正在寻找有志青年人才,招聘至少2名博士后研究人员和至少2名研究助理。欢迎符合条件(详见下文)的青年朋友加入。所有招聘职位均由国际科研机构赞助,因此您将与国际团队合作。申请及简历请直接发送给到abhishek@whu.edu.cn, abhishekdc@zohomail.com,并注明“博士后申请”或“研究助理申请”。
1. 招聘条件及资格
1.1. 候选人必须具有化学、物理、材料科学、化学工程或任何相关专业的学位及背景知识。
1.2. 博士后岗位:近3年或即将获得博士学位,35岁以下。研究助理:申请人具有硕士学位。
1.3. 科研经验:候选人必须具有以下主题的科研经验,涉猎一项及以上:(a) 非均相催化(热固-气相),(b) 电合成或电催化,(c)沸石合成 ,(d) 固态NMR光谱,(e) 二氧化碳捕获。
1.4. 优秀的沟通和人际交往能力,良好的英语能力。
1.5. 责任心强,工作积极主动,具有良好的团队合作精神,并具有承担风险的能力。
2. 主要职责
3. 招聘流程
3.1. 有意者请将简历和求职信直接发送给Abhishek研究员(邮箱:abhishek@whu.edu.cn,abhishekdc@zohomail.com邮件主题标明为“姓名+应聘岗位+硕博英才网shuobojob.cn”)
3.2. 候选人应当特别注明其所希望从事的研究课题(见1.3)。
3.3. 最终决定将在面试后1-2周内通知应聘者。由于职位由国际科研机构进行资助,因此决策过程中可能会与资助方共同协商。
3.4. 聘用条款(包括工资)将在面试期间或之后讨论。
3.5. 最终选拔结束后,被录取者需按照武汉大学相关规定办理入职手续,工资待遇按武汉大学有关规定执行。
4. 其他信息
4.1. 博士后岗位:初始聘期为两年。课题组将为表现优异的博士后提供具有国际竞争力的薪资待遇。此外,博士后候选人还将获得丰厚的差旅费,用于参加国际会议或短期国外研究访问。
4.2. 研究助理:初始聘期为一年。研究助理将根据其工作表现及本人意愿,被推荐到国外研究团队攻读博士学位或进入武汉大学高等研究院攻读博士学位。
4.3. 在招满所有岗位之前,招聘一直有效。
Recruitment of Post-doctoral Researchers and Research Assistants in the group of Abhishek at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Wuhan University, China
From December 2019, Abhishek has established his research program (‘Energy Catalysis’ group) as a distinguished researcher and principal investigator at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS), Wuhan University. The research group has been committed to providing unique solutions to mitigate climate change through heterogeneous catalysis, valorization of C1-feedstock, and advanced characterization (for details: (i) https://www.enecat.com/ (ii)http://gdyjy.whu.edu.cn/info/1082/1709.htm). The research group is currently funded by the Wuhan University's start-up grant, the National Natural Science Foundation of China as well as two international institutions to conduct energy-related research.
The group is currently looking for ambitious young talents, post-doctoral researchers (at least 2) and research assistants (at least 2), who are available to join the group within the next few months. All these advertised positions are sponsored by international institutions, and hence, the prospective candidates will work in a global environment. Application and resume should be sent to Abhishek (Email: abhishek@whu.edu.cn, abhishekdc@zohomail.com) with the subject of the email indicating "Post-doctoral Application" or "Research Assistant Application".
1. Eligibility Criteria
1.1. In general, all candidates must have relevant knowledge and degree in Chemistry or Physics or Material Science or Chemical Engineering or any related subjects.
1.2. Post-doctoral Researchers: Recent Ph.D. graduates or a Ph.D. thesis to be defended (aged under 35 years). Research Assistants: Recent Master's degree holders.
1.3. Research Experience: The candidates are required to have mandatory research experience on at least one of the following topics: (a) Heterogeneous catalysis (thermal solid-gas phase), (b) Electro-synthesis or Electro-catalysis, (c) Zeolite synthesis, (d) Solid-state NMR spectroscopy, (e) CO2-capture.
1.4. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills as well as good and reasonable command of the English language.
1.5. Strong sense of responsibility, proactive, good team spirit, ability to work in a collaborative environment, and risk-taking ability will be appreciated.
2. Key Responsibilities
Conduct and design daily research activities in the laboratory, writing and processing research-related documents, project and collaboration management, independent troubleshooting ability.
3. Recruitment Process
3.1. Interested candidates are requested to send resume and cover letter to Abhishek (Email: abhishek@whu.edu.cn, abhishekdc@zohomail.com)
3.2. All candidates should specifically mention the research topic they wish to work (see section 1.3).
3.3. The final decision will be communicated to the candidate within 1-2 weeks from the interview. Since externally funded positions, international partners may be consulted during the decision-making process.
3.4. Terms of employment (including salary) will be discussed during or after the interview.
3.5. After the final selection, the selected candidates should follow all entry-related formalities as per the Wuhan University's policy. Wages and benefits shall be implemented under the relevant provisions of Wuhan University.
4. Additional Information
4.1. Post-doctoral positions: Positions will initially be offered for two years. An internationally competitive salary will be provided to the outstanding post-doctoral candidates. Besides, post-doctoral candidates will also have access to generous travel money to attend international conferences or short research visits abroad.
4.2. Research Assistants: Positions will initially be offered for one year. Based on satisfactory performance and the candidate's willingness, the research assistant will either be recommended to research groups abroad for doing Ph.D. or will be converted to Ph.D. at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Wuhan University.
4.3. There is no specific deadline for this application, and the recruitment process will be continued until these positions are occupied.

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