狄大卫,2018年入选国家青年****,任浙江大学百人计划研究员,主要从事光电子器件以及器件物理的研究。由于他在有机与钙钛矿发光器件领域的突破,被评为2018年《麻省理工科技评论》中国“35岁以下科技创新35人”。狄大卫先后在新南威尔士大学与剑桥大学获得工程学学士、工程学博士、物理学博士学位,师从Richard Friend院士、Martin Green院士等著名科学家。他作为第一作者或通讯作者,将成果发表于Science、Nature Photonics (封面文章)等期刊,研究进展被Nature, Nature Materials和Nature Reviews Chemistry等杂志和几十家媒体报道和评论。他申请了4项国际专利、翻译了3部教科书。更多介绍请见:https://person.zju.edu.cn/daweidi
Richard Friend爵士是剑桥大学卡文迪许物理学(讲席)教授,是英国皇家科学院和皇家工程院双院院士,也是剑桥大学麦克斯韦中心主任。Richard Friend院士是有机半导体物理学与光电子学领域的先驱与国际权威。他是聚合物发光二极管的发明者,他的团队首次展示了高效聚合物场效应晶体管与钙钛矿发光器件,并揭示了其器件物理。他发表论文900篇以上, 总引用14万次以上,H指数 (H-index)为167。他是Cambridge Display Technology、Plastic Logic等科技公司的创始人。更多介绍请见:https://www.oe.phy.cam.ac.uk/directory/rhf10
岗位一补充说明:除了本招聘启事中所列的基本选拔条件,本岗位将优先考虑:1. 物理学、光学、化学、材料科学、电子工程以及相关领域博士毕业者;2.在顶级期刊发表论文者;3. 英语水平优秀或具有相关海外经验者。
杨青,浙江大学光电科学与工程学院,教授,国家优秀青年科学基金获得者。曾赴美国佐治亚理工学院、剑桥大学等机构访问研究。先后获得浙江省科学技术一等奖(2008)、浙江省杰出青年基金(2016)、浙江省万人计划青年拔尖人才(2017)、世界先进材料奖(2017)、国家优秀青年科学基金(2019)等奖项和荣誉。主要从事微纳光子器件和基于微纳光子智能传感和成像研究,迄今共发表SCI 论文58 篇,SCI 他引1921 次,H 因子29,五篇ESI 高被引。获得授权国家发明专利13项、美国发明专利1项。担任中国科学海外版《Science Bulletin》副主编等职务。更多介绍请见:https://person.zju.edu.cn/en/qingyang
Clemens Kaminski教授长期从事神经细胞退化的分子机制研究,其领导的研究小组是国际上著名的生物病理研究团队之一。Clemens Kaminski 教授是激光分析实验室主任,剑桥传感项目中心主任,EPSRC项目主任,其团队是剑桥大学从事超分辨成像和神经退行性病变研究的顶尖团队。在运用超分辨显微技术进行分子水平的病理研究方面具有非常丰富的经验,取得了国际领先水平的成果,更多介绍请见:https://laser.ceb.cam.ac.uk/directory/clemens-kaminski
岗位二补充说明:除了本招聘启事中所列的基本选拔条件,本岗位将优先考虑:1. 生物学、医学、物理学、光学、化学、材料科学、电子工程、计算机以及相关领域博士毕业者;2.在顶级期刊发表论文者;3. 海外博士学位、英语水平优秀或具有相关海外经验者。
1. 近三年内获得国内C9高校或教育部第四轮学科评估A+学科或海外顶尖大学博士学位;
2. 年龄不超过32岁;
1. 每个岗位拟招聘1人,资助期为2 年。
2. 入选者列入浙江大学博士后特别资助项目,学校给予每20万元/年的资助。公派赴剑桥大学工作期间,学校再给予每人10-15万元的补充资助。
3. 入选者在资助期内享受学校学科博士后相关福利,可申报全国博士后管理委员会相关博士后项目,同时也可以剑桥大学访问学者身份申请校外资助的其他经费。
1. 联合招收博士后计划项目招收的博士后在2年资助期结束时,应及时办理出站。如确因科研工作需要,申请延期出站的,应提前一个月向人事处报批,延长期间的费用由浙江大学合作导师负责筹集。
2. 联合招收博士后计划项目作为学校培养高水平国际化师资的人才储备项目,通过该项目培养的博士后研究人员在聘期内学术能力和业绩表现优秀者,出站后可申请学校“百人计划”或特聘研究员岗位,进入浙江大学预聘轨师资队伍。
Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Program:College of Optical Science and Engineering of Zhejiang University and University of Cambridge
I. Positions
1. Position 1:
Research Area: Perovskite and organic light-emitting devices
Supervisor at Zhejiang University:
Prof. Dawei Di is one of the MIT Technology Review "Innovators Under 35" China (2018), and a Young Scholar of the National Thousand Talent Program. He has joined the College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University as a Principal Investigator. Dawei Di obtained a PhD (in Engineering) from the University of New South Wales in Australia and a second PhD (in Physics) from the University of Cambridge, UK. His doctoral supervisors include renowned scientists, Prof. Richard Friend and Prof. Martin Green. Dawei Di’s research interests span from the exciton spin dynamics in organic light-emitting molecules, to the physics of record-breaking organic and perovskite optoelectronic devices (LEDs and solar cells). He published, as first or corresponding author, in leading scientific journals including Science and Nature Photonics (cover article). His work has been featured in research news and highlights in high-profile journals such as Nature, Nature Materials and Nature Reviews Chemistry. He filed 4 international patents, and translated 3 textbooks. More information is available at: https://person.zju.edu.cn/en/daweidi
Supervisor at the University of Cambridge:
Prof. Sir Richard H. Friend is the Cavendish Professor of Physics at the University of Cambridge. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS), and a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng). He is also Director of the Maxwell Centre and Fellow of St Johns College, Cambridge. He has made pioneering contributions to the physics and engineering of optoelectronic devices based on organic semiconductors. Richard Friend and co-workers invented polymer light-emitting diodes. His research group demonstrated the first efficient polymer field-effect transistors and perovskite light-emitting devices, and revealed the device physics. He has published >900 papers, with a total citation of >140,000, and an H-index of 167. He is co-founder of Cambridge Display Technology, and Plastic Logic. More information is available at: https://www.oe.phy.cam.ac.uk/directory/rhf10
Tentative Work Plan:
Year 1: The prospective postdoctoral fellow is expected to carry out research on novel perovskite and organic light-emitting devices at Zhejiang University with Prof. Dawei Di, focusing on materials and device preparation, device physics and photophysical characterization.
Year 2: Carry out further research with Prof. Richard Friend at the Cavendish Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, and prepare high-quality research publications.
Additional Notes for Position 1: Apart from the basic eligibility requirements listed below, priority will be given to: 1. Applicants with research background in physics, optics, chemistry, materials science, electrical engineering and other related areas; 2. Applicants with publications in top-tier research journals; 3. Applicants with a high level of English proficiency or relevant experience in English-speaking countries.
2. Position 2:
Research Area: Chip-based super-resolution imaging and its applications
Supervisor at Zhejiang University:
Dr. Qing Yang is a professor in the College of Optical Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University. She is a NSFC Distinguished Young Scholar. She was a visiting scholar at Georgia Tech from 2009-2012. She was a visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge in 2018. Dr. Yang’s research focuses on smart sensing and imaging based on micro-/nanophotonics. Dr. Yang has made original contributions to the fabrication, tuning and applications of nanophotonic devices and their applications in sensing and imaging. Dr. Yang published 58 peer reviewed journal articles in total and the publications have been cited by others for 1921 times, including Nature Photonics, Physics Review Letters, Advanced Materials, and Nano Letters etc. She has an H-index of 29. She holds 13 Chinese or U.S. patents and one US patent. She is an associate editor of Science Bulletin, an editorial member of IEEE Spectrum, lead guest editor of Optics Communications, editor of Journal of Nanotechnology Nanomedicine Nanobiotechnology, and editor of the book Advanced Coating Materials.
More information is available at: https://person.zju.edu.cn/en/qingyang
Supervisor at the University of Cambridge:
Clemens Kaminski is a Professor of Chemical Physics at the University of Cambridge. He is Head of Laser Analytics Group, Director of CamBridgeSens, and Director of EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sensor Technologies and Applications. Prof. Clemens Kaminski’s team develops and applies modern laser based imaging methods for applications that range from the study of basic chemical processes to molecular mechanisms of disease. Their work is strongly collaborative in nature and the group is a member of several large-scale consortia within the University and beyond, such as the Neurodegenerative Disease Consortium, the Cambridge Advanced Imaging Centre, and the Open Lab Tools Initiative. They also lead strategic initiatives such as the CamBridgeSens to unite sensor research across the University of Cambridge, and the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Sensor Technologies. They use a range of advanced biological and biophysical methods to probe the molecular chemistry of disease in live cells and in animal models. Currently a major focus is on the study of protein misfolding and aggregation in neurodegeneration; They perform both experimental and theoretical work to optimize speed, resolution, and sensitivity for applications ranging from single molecule biophysics to whole organism imaging; They model and generate supercontinuum radiation in optical fibres for applications in chemical sensing using instruments that are optimized for sensitivity and speed.
More information is available at: https://laser.ceb.cam.ac.uk/directory/clemens-kaminski
Tentative Work Plan:
Year 1: The prospective postdoctoral fellow is expected to carry out research on super-resolution chip at Zhejiang University with Prof. Qing Yang, focusing on chip fabrication and algorithm.
Year 2: Carry out further research with Prof. Clemens Kaminski at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology of the University of Cambridge, and prepare high-quality research publications.
Additional Notes for Position 2: Apart from the basic eligibility requirements listed below, priority will be given to: 1. Applicants with research background in biology, medicine, physics, optics, chemistry, materials science, computer science, electrical engineering and other related areas; 2. Applicants with publications in top-tier research journals; 3. Applicants with PhD degrees from top universities, a high level of English proficiency or relevant experience in English-speaking countries.
II. Eligibility
1. A successful candidate should be awarded a Ph.D. degree in the recent three years from a global top university, from a Chinese C9 university, or from an “A plus” discipline in the fourth round of national discipline assessment by China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center;
2. Under 32 years of age, and in good mental and physical health;
3. Strong academic track record and research potential. Priority would be given to candidates who are prepared to take up future academic positions at Zhejiang University.
III. Funding and Salary:
1. Two positions available. Successful candidates will be funded for two years.
2. The base annual salary for the position is RMB¥200,000, sponsored by Zhejiang University. During the stay at Cambridge University, an additional grant of RMB¥100,000-¥150,000 will be given by Zhejiang University.
3. The joint-postdoctoral fellows are eligible for receiving the benefits of regular postdoctoral programs at Zhejiang University, and are eligible for grant applications relevant to the postdoctoral program. They can also apply for other external funding as a visiting scholar of University of Cambridge.
IV. Application Procedure
Applicants should send their CVs (including basic personal information, academic and research experience, and list of publications, etc), 3-5 representative papers (pdf files) and other supporting materials to relevant email addresses with their application letters. The College of Optical Science and Engineering of Zhejiang University will establish a recruitment committee to evaluate the research ability and academic performance of shortlisted candidates through formal interviews, and will report to Zhejiang University for approval after consulting with the supervisors at the University of Cambridge and Zhejiang University. Successful applicants shall finish the registration process and will be administered by Zhejiang University during the tenure of employment.
V. Other Particulars:
1. Successful applicants are expected to complete the planned research work within the 2-year funding period. Application for extension shall be submitted at least one month before the last day of the postdoctoral contract. Related expenses during the extension shall be covered by the supervisor at Zhejiang University.
2. Qualified candidates may apply for Zhejiang University "Hundred Talent Program" or tenure-track research fellow positions after the completion of the joint-postdoctoral fellowship.
Application Deadline: 24 June 2019
Position 1: Prof. Dawei Di, Email: daweidi@zju.edu.cn
Position 2: Prof. Qing Yang, Email: qingyang@zju.edu.cn

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